Get into the swing of protecting your skin!
The Women’s Dermatologic Society (WDS) recommends that people of all ages take daily precautions to protect the skin from the heightened risks of prolonged sun exposure. Overexposure to the sun is the most preventable cause of skin cancer, so individuals are urged to make the commitment to safeguard their health.
- Apply a UVA and UVB sunscreen (broad-spectrum) with an SPF of 15 or higher 30 minutes before going outdoors
- Use a golf-ball sized amount of sunscreen (one ounce) to cover your entire body.
- Re-apply every nine holes (every two hours! -- even on a cloudy or cool day.)
- Completely coat all exposed areas of your face, head and body, ears, neck, nose, shoulders, back of the hands and front/back of your arms and legs.
- Cover your lips with sun protective lip balm or sunscreen.
- Check expiration dates on your sunscreen to ensure effectiveness.
- Seek shade whenever possible, and cover yourself with a golf umbrella between holes.
- Wear a broad-brimmed hat (preferably with a back flap) instead of baseball caps to help protect your face, ears and neck.
- Protect your eyes with UV-protective sunglasses.
- Wear sun protective clothing (tightly woven) including long pants and long-sleeved shirts as often as possible.
- Examine your skin often. Any skin lesion that crusts, bleeds or does not heal should be examined by a dermatologist promptly.
- Moles that itch, bleed or change in size, shape or color should be examined promptly.
- Have your skin thoroughly examined by a dermatologist at least once a year, or as recommended by your dermatologist.
Practice sun safety as a way of life!
Play Safe in the Sun is a community service outreach of the Women’s Dermatologic Society, made possible through a generous grant from L'Oréal USA. |
For more information visit “Play Safe In The Sun” At LPGA, or call 1-877-WDS-ROSE.
For further information about Women’s Dermatologic Society, visit:
Contact (General Inquiries): WDS Offices at 1-877-WDS-ROSE (937-7673)
The Women's Dermatologic Society supports the careers and professional development of women dermatologists. The mission of the Women’s Dermatologic Society is to help women in dermatology achieve their greatest personal and professional potential by striving to: foster, promote, and support women’s issues in dermatology; identify, train, and recognize women leaders in dermatology; and provide a forum for developing relationships.